Fallout New Vegas

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Decided to rework Project Nevada Chargeable Weapon Framework. I loved this feature. A shame it hasnt be remade. Welp up to me to do this.
Release should be the comming Days.

And nope not gonna do the hacky ways PN did. So its safe to work for weapons used by NPCs. (PN actually modifier weapon stats which affect NPC aswell).
Also works for Controller


  1. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,561 kudos
    It was made, several times. But good job anyway.
    1. Anro19
      • premium
      • 219 kudos
      may im blind but i never saw any real attempt that someone actually tried to remade it from scratch. i know that Eddoursul made some of PNs Modules standalone. But Chargeable weapons was not.
    2. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,561 kudos
      PN did. TF did. Random people did (some released, some not, mixed bag, idr mod names, been a while). Yes from scratch. Everything in this game is from scratch.
      Spamming fireweapon isn't new either. Hell, I remember Jack (Weijiesen) doing that when I had no idea how to put two lines of code together.
      Like, I'm not saying you did something bad, no. Just not first. To be the first, you gotta come up with something fairly unique and complex, which is nearly impossible at this point, scene's old, we've made a lot of mods to claim the "hehe FIRST!" medals many years ago. Now - it's just polish stage and "this x mod from 202X is better than that mod from 201X, faster, less cumbersome" etc
    3. Anro19
      • premium
      • 219 kudos
      well understandable. but that wasnt my goal here to make something new neither to claim "First Medal". I just loved the idea behind this feature and all i want is actually to bring it back. Meanwhile everthing from Project Nevada has been replaced. And most of them wouldnt exist without Project Nevada in the first place. I didnt see this as critism as i anyways mod for fun and myself. Beside evolving dosent exist if not someone did it in the first place. And i do think by some mods "Scratch" is the better way to implement are better envoirment for everyone for easy use and less compatiblity issues or better accessibility.

      Edit: While most user may think mod 202x is better then anything from 201x i dont agree with it at all.