Juturna 24

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"Now that the Temple is destroyed and the Shekinah [divine mother] is with them in exile,
no day passes without curses; the world is cursed and joy cannot be found above or below."
Zohar, Pritzker edition, Volume 3, Daniel C. Matt, Mi-Qets, 1:203a, #244.

Popola: Because I swore to myself that I would stay with her forever.

"I can let you have one of my arms for the night," said the girl. She took off 
her right arm at the shoulder and, with her left hand, laid it on my knee. ...
"I'll put the ring on. To remind you that it's mine... A keepsake. From my mother!'
Yasunari Kawabata, One Arm (かたうで, Kataude), Shinchō, 1963.

Nessa Barrett — Dying on the inside

"King: Yes. I shall release you –Sakuntala: When? –King: When? When, like a bee, 
I kiss the bud of your unbruised lip And flood my thirsting mouth with nectar."
Chandra Rajan, Kalidasa: The Loom of Time, Sakundala, 1989.

Pascal gone, Devola set networked 9S to save Popola inside 2B's body. She takes inert 9S.