NieR: Automata
Fitna 16 Nines

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"How the dear little children laugh When the drums roll and the lovely Lady is sawn in half."
W. H. Auden, The Sea and the Mirror, 1944. [But how does one think of a habit?]

Oleg Semenov — Dark Angel

"Her very best hidden." 
[Il più grato nasconde.]
Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXIII, 1-3, 1321. Mme De Sévigné à Mme De Grignan, #233, 31 mai 1680.
G. F. Handel, Julius Caesar in Egypt (Giulio Cesare in Egitto), aria Se in fiorito ameno prato, 1723. 

Kainé is her white sword. And combat, drug, plus emotional pitch, conspire for habitual addiction.
The natural environment excerbates Replicant drift. Devola's core shaped 2B to help lunar Healer.
Ko-Shi trailing A2 moved into annihilation of Bunker, because of the capture by Ro-Shi trailing 9S.

"The geographer orders an inquiry into that explorer's moral character. – "Why is that?"
"Because an explorer who told lies would bring disaster on the books of the geographer. 
So would an explorer who drank too much." – "Why is that?” asked the little prince. 
"Because intoxicated men see double."
[« Le géographe fait une enquête sur la moralité de l'explorateur. –Pourquoi ça?
–Parce qu'un explorateur qui mentait entraînerait des catastrophes dans les livres de géographie. 
Et aussi un explorateur qui boirait trop. –Pourquoi ça? fit le petit prince.
-Parce que les ivrognes voient double. »]
Antoine De Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince), Ch. 15, 1943. [Émil read from sword.]