NieR: Automata
Fitna 21 Entrance

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"No one else could be granted entry here, because this entrance was intended for you alone."
[Hier konnte niemand sonst Einlaß erhalten, denn dieser Eingang war nur für dich bestimmt.]
Franz Kafka, The Trial (Der Prozeß), Ch. 9 In the Cathedral, 1925, trans. M. Mitchell [Luke 13.24].

2B: These memories. [Every passion, ultimately, has its spectator. – I put on dark glasses.] 

"Impossible?" cried the ogre, "You will see it now!" And at the same time he changed into a mouse and
began to run around the floor. As soon as Puss saw this, he jumped on the mouse and ate him up."
[« Impossible ? reprit l'Ogre, vous allez voir, et en même temps il se changea en une Souris, qui se 
mit à courir sur le plancher. Le Chat ne l'eut pas plus tôt aperçue qu'il se jeta dessus, et la mangea. »]
Charles Perrault, Puss In Boots, Tales (Histoires ou Contes du temps passé), 1697. [Adam got killed.]

"Piety, n. The pig is taught by sermons and epistles To think the God of Swine has snout and bristles."
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911.

Glee — Oops ! I Did It Again

"There appeared to be no line of demarcation between the young person's excessive innocence, and 
another person's guiltiest knowledge. ... all flaming red to this troublesome Bull of a young person."
Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, Ch. 11 Podsnappery, 1865. [Everything in the universe to be fitted to it.]

"It is unworthy of great hearts to spread the trouble which they feel."
[« Il est indigne des grands coeurs de répandre le trouble qu'ils ressentent. »]
Clotilde de Vaux, Lucie, Chapter 7, 1845. [Life is love, love is pain, pain is death. Wherefore why live?]

John Collier, Lady Godiva, 1898

"Ride a cock-horse to Coventry cross ; To see what Emma can buy ; 
A penny white cake I'll buy for her sake, And a twopenny tart or a pie."
J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, The Nursery Rhymes of England, #198, 1842, p. 114.

Popola & Devola access 9S's YoRHa core, filled in by Lunar Healer. Pascal plays Peeping Tom.
The hidden android core taken from Devola gets refurbished finally to handle threesomes sex.

"Whereupon the countess loosed her hair and let down her tresses, which covered the whole 
of her body like a veil, and... she rode through the market-place, without being seen."
[Nuda, ut praedictum est, equum ascendens crines capitis et tricas dissolvit corpusque 
suum totum inde velavit, et forum  pertransiens.]
Roger of Wendover, Flowers of History (Flores Historiarum), 1058, English p. 314, Latin p. 497.