NieR: Automata
Fitna 27 You a 42 regular

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"He had vowed the Temple of Mars when he undertook the war at Philippi to avenge his father." 
[Aedem Martis bello Philippensi pro ultione paterna suscepto voverat.]
Suetonius, Divine Augustus, 29 Octavian made his vow to Mars Avenger (Martis Ultoris), 42 B.C.

9S: Pod 153! I order you to halt all logical thought and speech!

"I say that you are the killer of the man whose killer you are seeking."
[φονέα σέ φημι τἀνδρὸς οὗ ζητεῖς κυρεῖν.]
Sophocles, Oedipus the King, trans. P.J. Finglass, line 362 [prophet Tiresias to Oedipus].

Obi Wan Takes The High Ground

"Why do you pour your prayers into ears stopped up?"
[Quid obseratis auribus fundis preces?]
Horace, Epode 17 A Recantation, line 54. 

Rina Sawayama — Eye For An Eye

"Now the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence."
[Nun haben aber die Sirenen eine noch schrecklichere Waffe als den Gesang, 
nämlich ihr Schweigen ... vor ihrem Schweigen gewiß nicht.]
Franz Kafka, The Silence of the Sirens (Das Schweigen der Sirenen), 1917.

Pod 042: Support units are required to monitor our targets' internal systems in case of breakdown.

"The more powerful always decides."
[Jafnan segir inn rikri rad.]
Anonymous, Málsháttakvæði, stanza 23, c. 1200 A.D.

Pods read 2B's remaining memories thrice and heard 9S' avowal before Lunar Base fell into silence.
It pertains to 9S to transfer 10H data package from Lunar Base to Pod 042, the path of redemption.