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Exosolar and Babscoole

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About this mod

Removes screen-cluttering filters and frames from the visor Surveyor, Scanner, and Scan Sweep views. Optional Custom Color Panels available.

Permissions and credits
What is this Mod?
This mod removes screen-cluttering filters and frames from the visor Surveyor, Scanner, and Scan Sweep views.  Please be aware that I need to redo the text background shading still.  Currently, that will be vanilla, so ignore that bit in the screenshots.  :)

Custom Color Panels, which will add colored background panels, making it easier to see the data in bright light conditions.  Choices of color are Black, Blue, Green, Red, Pink, Yellow, and Orange.  Only place one .pak in PCBANKS\MODS.  If using the Lua, prompt for color choice will be given when the Lua is run through AMUMSS.  How to use AMUMSS at No Man's Sky Nexus - Mods and Community (  Designed to be used with Clear Visor Scanner and Surveyor.

The stock visor graphics are.... terrible, in my opinion and hard to see through.

Known Side-Effects

Modified Files

(Exosolar's Clear Scanner and Surveyor)

(Custom Color Panels)

Exosolar's Other Mods

About Available Versions
This is a pure TEXTURE mod, as such, it is highly resistent to being broken by NMS updates. Any older mod that is no longer compatible with the current version of No Man's Sky will be demoted to the "Old Files" subsection, but will remain available for download. If I have missed one, please tell me.

This means that any mod files which are not hidden or demoted to the "Old Files" area can be expected to work.

MBINCompiler versions exactly match the version of No Man's Sky that was current when the MBINCompiler was made. In other words, MBINCompiler version = NMS version. This fact can be used to figure out which Legacy mods work with which Legacy versions of No Man's Sky.


Installing any No Man's Sky Mod

Credits and Special Thanks!
Hello Games for making the wonderful, vast, and fun game, No Man's Sky!
monkeyman192 for the MBINCompiler and his continued efforts to keep it up-to-date
Tub0Crisco for the No Man's Sky Mod Station A.K.A. NMSMS

Big thanks to any and all of you lovely people who offer donations! It is greatly appreciated, and will help me buy lunch while I'm busy being a broke college student! :D

And, of course, all of the other modders who make mods too! It is very common that I inspect the work of other modders to learn how things are done. RangerDulannRedmasWoodyMontanajasondudeGumskMjjstralmoddinaccount, Devilin Pixy, saa044, and others have all helped me learn how to mod effectively! Without the other people mentioned here and their mods and applications, I would not be able to make any mods at all!

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants" 
-Sir Isaac Newton