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About this mod

Changes to base boundaries and cable lengths. For Worlds Part II.

Permissions and credits
✅ Updated for Worlds Part II
✅ Patch mod - can be be used safely with other Patch and Overwrite mods

gBase Boundary

gBase Boundary 2k
  • Initial base boundary increased from 300u to 2,000u radius
  • Maximum base boundary increased from 1,000u to 2,000u radius
  • Teleport cable length increased from 200u to 4,000u
  • Electricity wire length increased from 200u to 4,000u
  • Supply pipe length increased from 400u to 4,000u

gBase Boundary 1k, 5k, 10k, and 20k
  • Same as gBase Boundary 2k, but boundary and connection limits have been increased to 1/5/10/20k and 2/10/20/40k.

The scaling component has moved to a separate mod page. Install both if you want the old functionality:

Put the entire contents of the zip file in your GAMEDATA\MODS folder, not PCBANKS, similar to this:

You can find information about and links to all my mods, files affected by each of my mods, instructions for installing mods, and instructions for extracting LUA files here: