Due to changes to game files and mod loading implemented by HG in the experimental build of the game from 03.01.2025, the current versions of mods I uploaded on Nexus Mods (with either PAK archives or LUA scripts) will not work with the mentioned build and most probably upcoming public builds of the game.
New mod files and new installation instructions will be provided once the modding community figures out how to work with the new system and how to port existing mods. This will be further limited by my availability in between my IRL responsibilities, so please be patient.
I will provide no support for individual users trying to get my existing mods working on experimental build or future public releases.
This mod aims to fix various text inconsistencies, misleading descriptions and typos found in No Man's Sky. The fixes from this mod apply to English language only.
This mod has been reworked from the ground up for the 4.46 update of the game - now it no longer affects individual localization files, instead it provides most of the fixes in form of new custom localization file that is loaded into the game. With that in mind, the list of affected files and conflicts with other mods are subject to change.
Files affected by this mod:
LANG module
Modified files:
Added files:
CRAFT module
Modified files:
LANG module
CHAT module
Modified files:
MISSION module
Modified files:
LANG module
Modified files:
MEMORY module
Modified files:
Installation with PAK archive
Copy the files into game's mods directory: GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS
Go to the GAMEDATA\PCBANKS directory and delete or rename the DISABLEMODS.TXT file.
Installation with LUA script
Copy the LUA scripts into: AMUMMS\ModScript
Run the BUILDMOD.BAT script to compile the mod.
Overview and translation:
For detailed overview of changes provided in each module and instructions on translating this mod into another languages, please see the Articles page.
- bk201- pointing out typos, providing feedback on changes
- Devilin Pixy, Lenni, members of the NMS Discord - pointing out typos
- Gumsk, Lyravega, Alchemist, Wberto - LUA script optimizations