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Created by

Mortimer Kerman

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About this mod

Adds the ability to remove your armour or your jetpack in the appearance modifier.

Permissions and credits
Do you want more customization in the appearance modifier? Here it comes!

Included options (for now):
  • Unequip your armour
  • Use the ultra slim jetpack even without equipping any cape
  • Change your body size to become a giant gek or a tiny astronaut
  • Change the body base (unstable but fun)

If you have an idea for an addition or improvement, down to earth or completely crazy, don't hesitate to suggest it to me!

  • I made this mod with the NMS Modding Station, so I did not made the LUA script, it's a port from my work made by Babscoole. Credits to him.
  • Due to multiplayer-related issues, other players can't see the slim jetpack if you are not wearing a cape. Blame Hello Games for this.
  • This mod is incompatible with any mod editing these files :