- Boost (Shift key) speed line requires a higher speed to begin to appear, are less numerous and leaves a better central vision
- Pulse Jump (Space bar key) speed line are modified (just a few) less numerous
Warning my screenshot are take with another mods maybe you don't see exactly the same things.
List of mods used with the screenshot :
- Black Space 1.3 for NEXT (with Nebula) of Lo2k
- Colourful Planet Rings of cryogen4000
- Crescent Worlds of LawnReality
- Crystal Clear Water of DieuDeGlace
- Less Intrusive Rings of LawnReality
- No Space Dust for NEXT of Lo2k
- Rare Rings for NEXT of Lo2k
Credits and thanks at :
emoose, monkeyman192 as well as all the people who contributed to the development of this super tool that is MBINCompiler
Tub0Crisco for are super tool the NMS Modding Station that made my life much easier
Compatibility :
- Compatible with Crossplay (09/06/18)
- This mod can't be used along any other mod modifying the following files :
My Another Mods