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Created by

Ankh Neter

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About this mod

SYNTHESIS Compatible v2.22.
Allows wood, concrete, and metal quarter sized floor panels to clip through other objects. No more "INVALID POSITION" when trying to place these objects.

Permissions and credits
I created this out of the need to build a proper landing pad using vanilla assets.  There may be others who find it useful in other situations so I'm sharing.
The mod version should match the current public game version.
(See sticky for more information)

This allows the following vanilla building objects to clip through others by disabling the collision check for placement:
-Small Wooden Panel
-Small Concrete Panel
-Small Metal Panel

History :
v2.22 - SYNTHESIS Update
v2.16 - Compatiblity version
v2.14 - Compatiblity version
v2.11 - BEYOND Update
v1.77b - Quicksilver Shop Fix
v1.77 - Compatiblity version
v1.76 - Readme added to distribution, no other changes
v1.65 - Compatible version
v1.76 - Initial Release (VISIONS)  

Credits :
Of course this wouldn't be possible without the work of monkeyman192 on MBINCompiler
periander for the PSARCTool
Lo2k, redmas, RaYRoD118,..I've learned most of my modding by looking into what they are changing in their files.

Compatibility :
This mod is incompatible with any mod that modifies \METADATA\REALITY\TABLES\BASEBUILDINGTABLE.MBIN
(Merging may work but not tested)

1.  If the game public version changes/upgrades, please make sure to test that the function of the mod still works before building any new structures.  Easy way to test is to place a wall, then check that the 3 small panels listed above can be placed clipping through the wall.  If so, good to go, if not remove the installed mod and update.  

Reason: This file holds properties for all of the buildable objects in the game, so new additions have the possibility to put the edits out of order  HG may changed/added objects properties in this file, which in turn could cause the function to break and cause unintended issues.  Any objects placed with a mismatched version may possibly need to be deleted and placed with the correct version installed.

Because collision is disabled on these items, there may be adverse effects if not placed carefully.  e.g. buried in another object.

1. Download the mod
2. Unzip/open the downloaded file
3. Copy "AnkhNeter's Clipping Quarters v2.22.pak" to your "*\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS\" directory.  (EXML folder is not needed and is only there for reference)
4. Ensure the file "DISABLEMODS.TXT" is either renamed or deleted in "*\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\" directory.

Because this mod is only changing the collision check on the model for placement, removing this mod or updates should not break any currently built structures.  When the game updates, delete previous version of AnkhNeter's Clipping Quarters and install the matching version.

My Other Mods:
AnkhNeter's Clipping Construction (For those that prefer more modifications.  Do not use both)