About this image
Made this screen for the worldfamous band E.L.O and their song "Mr. Blue Sky"...
Sun is shinin' in the sky
there ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin'
ev'rybody's in a playin'
And don't you know it's
a beautiful new day
this image breaks my personal endorsement-record, with atm 8 thumbs
tis the very first image that got more then 7 *makes happydance*
Now I have some more suns to experiment with!
RS-ultra is another very beautiful sun replacer. (...I forgot...)
No I haven't tried either of them as I'm very satified with this one.
I don't use the extra lens flare version because I think it will be distracting ingame. The one you see in the image was added with gimp.
... have you ever tried this? (have a look at Sunglare lll)
...or this one?
Sun? Where? *Ryan looks around suspiciously*
Owh yeh the sun, tis a nice addition by Mr. GIMP to my screenies.
Wish my ingame sun would look like that
ELO is brilliant ! Thanks for your endorsement
You found that beaming sun i see xD