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"Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event."
-Zurin Arctus, the Underking

Raphaela d'Aumont's part in this prophecy had now come to an end - at least for the time being. The Oblivion Crisis had been averted, the Third Era was over, and the dawn of a new age was on the horizon.

Following in the footsteps of so many heroes before her, in time her name would be forgotten, and yet the effects of her actions would go down in history amongst other stories and legends like those of the Nerevarine, the Agent and the Eternal Champion.

In the years following her friend's disappearance, Vilja would witness the collapse of the Empire, the destruction of Vvardenfell and the birth of the Aldmeri union, often feeling lost and wondering if everything the two of them had fought for had been in vain. Yet, wherever she went and no matter the dangers she faced, she would never come to harm, and soon rumors started circulating that she was blessed by the Divines themselves. Vilja herself would of course laugh at such talk.

The Amulet of Kings would often change hands after Vilja's time, however - the beautiful piece of jewellery would soon gain the reputation of being cursed, as it seemed to drive anyone wearing it mad, and eventually adventurers would stop seeking it out.

Daedra worshippers and conjurers would at times report that Lord Sheogorath appeared to them in the form of a young woman with blonde hair and grey eyes, for what reason they would never know - after all, the whims of the Madgod are many.

At times he or rather she, would even perform tasks and undertake missions from those she favored, the contracts allowing her to stay in Nirn for extended periods.

But those are stories for another time.


  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Beautiful image and very interesting and wonderfully written description.
  2. Lazuri
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Will do. ^-^
  3. Oax
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    I would love to read of your journeys in Skyrim- please keep us in the loop
  4. Calithilien
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A beautiful ending to a beautiful story. I loved it.
    Endorsed and looking forward to the start of your new journey with Skyrim ;3
  5. evenstargw
    • member
    • 109 kudos
    struck speechless ...

  6. Lazuri
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Yes, I'm looking forward to documenting a new journey. ^^Maybe I'll even take your advise and make a blog. Time will tell.
  7. Endoril
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    You should start anew then in Skyrim. I mean, with these stories and all... over at Skyrim Nexus. You could document your adventures right from the beginning.

    Oh and the Underking quote... ever since I first launched Morrowind it is one of my favourite sayings.
  8. Lazuri
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    I think I will start a new character in Skyrim, I've always wanted to play a bard. ;3 But I may upload more stories from earlier parts of her adventures her on tesnexus whenever I feel like taking a break from the snow.
  9. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    well done
  10. Endoril
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Farewell, Raphaela, it's been a pleasure.

    I love the references to other TES games and the lore in general.
    Could it be that 200 years from now, Raphaela would set foot in the province of Skyrim?