The adventures of Ra Lee and Weel-Jahm Part 2

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(2nd screenshot in the series)

''Ra Lee: remind me again why you're carrying me''

''Weel-Jahm: I felt like carrying you around because you deserve a bit of downtime from all that adventuring my love.

''Ra Lee: Really now? Anyways aren't you worried that we'll bump into that other stupid argonian knight with his ''Oh so not holy knightness''?''

''Weel-Jahm: I've told you that if we do see him again he'll either get his ass kicked or end up a servant at our beloved home''

''Ra Lee: Oh so you are thinking of killing him dearest? Well great because I've had enough of him.

''Weel-Jahm: So have i Ra Lee my dear so have i. However I'm gonna avoid killing him, killing someone because you simply hate said person is pretty much a murder. And I'm no murderer''

''Ra Lee: You are indeed no murderer my love. What you are though however, is the most handsome and kind argonian guy I've seen!''

''Weel-Jahm: Oh really now? Heh, thanks for the compliment my dear. But for now, let's get home''