The adventures of Ra Lee and Weel-Jahm Part 4

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(4th Screenshot in the series)
''Weel-Jahm: Ra Lee my dear have you seen my tome of power somewhere?''

''Ra Lee: No but i happen to see something else over here''

''Weel-Jahm: And what would that be? Another one of my bound demons trying to escape? Is that idiot argonian knight on his way? ''

''Ra Lee: No its something else Why don't you come over here yourself (She says in a cheerful tone).''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright then on my way''

''Weel-Jahm: So what is it then.............By the nine.....hells!''

''Ra Lee: Like my new outfit my love? I bought it especially for you''

''Weel-Jahm: You bought that for me to.... enjoy more of your body didn't you? ''

''Ra Lee: Suppose so, well do you like it or not? ''

''Weel-Jahm: Well of course i do its revealing and sexy. Just the way i love it. ''

''Ra Lee: I knew you'd love it. However i'll only wear it if we're somewhere that's really warm. Say like near Leyawiin or the Colovian Highlands. Hmm maybe i'll even wear this if we ever visit Elsweyr or visit our homeland again. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Well in my opinion it would make a nice outfit for you to wear at home in the tower my love. ''

''Ra Lee: I see, well its warm enough in here so i'll gladly wear it in here. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Thats nice my dear, having you in my lap at the throne in that outfit will most certainly be too much of an experience to pass. ''

''Ra Lee: Oooh, he he well i'll make sure to please you in each and every way my love (She says in a very seductive matter). ''

''Weel-Jahm: Well why don't we just retire to our personal quarters right away then (He says as he strokes Ra Lees ass gently because he's being the pervert that he is :P) and just have a seat at my comfy throne. Oh excuse me OUR throne. ''

''Ra Lee: Ooh, your hand is so soft my love. But yeah lets just retire to out personal quarters and ''enjoy'' ourselves for the time being shall we? ''

''Weel-Jahm: You can count on it my love, you can count on it (He says as he carries his love to the personal quarters). ''

PS: For other Heretic/hexen nerds like myself you will probably know what the said 'Tome of Power' is. If you don't know well then go play the games dang it! (Just kidding :P)


  1. argonianlord
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    @shinyfan. Yeah they hardly ever appear in the screenshots on Oblivion nexus. I guess i'm another of the few to post screenshots of argonian and argonian couples lol.

    @Dennywood. Yeah i guess so lol.
  2. shinyfan
    • BANNED
    • 25 kudos
    .. it's good that someone here cares about argonians - they hardly appear in screenies :thumbup:
  3. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    Maybe without her hood, she could be more exciting for him and then he should not need his book of power,.... lollll (Kidding) ;P....