The adventures of Ra Lee and Weel-Jahm Part 8

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(8th screenshot in the series)
''Weel-Jahm: And here we are my love, the first beautiful spot i'm gonna show you. So whadda you think? ''

''Ra Lee: Wow this place is just gorgeous, even as gorgeous as you my love ''

''Weel-Jahm: Heh thanks my love, your compliments are always welcome. And by the way I'm glad you liked the place. Maybe you should do a painting of this place some time ''

''Ra Lee: Really? Wow it would be my pleasure my love, i'll start on painting it when we're back from our honeymoon sometime. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Your painting skills certainly is the work of a master my love. Your paintings back at our home is soo breathtakingly good looking in my opinion. ''

''Ra Lee: Ah thank you my love, i didn't think i was all that good at drawing at all (She finishes the sentence by giving Weel-Jahm a kiss on his cheek) ''

''Weel-Jahm: Ah your kisses are always a welcome feeling to me my love. ''

''Ra Lee: Your welcome my love, i could kiss you all day if i had the breath for it ha ha ''

''Weel-Jahm: Thats nice to hear my love. Anyways shall we continue on? ''

''Ra Lee: Sure i'm excited to see the other places your talking about ''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright away we go then (He says as he starts walking). ''