The adventures of Ra Lee and Weel-Jahm Part 11

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(11th screenshot in the series)
''Weel-Jahm: Here we are my love. (He says as he sits down on the ground as his love does the same). ''
''Ra Lee: Wow this road, the ruined towers its so...... i dunno what to say its just so beautiful my love. The road looks like it goes on forever. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Luckily my love it does end somewhere so don't worry about it (He says as he runs his hand across Ra Lees back). ''

''Ra Lee: Well to be more romantic my love i'd say that its as endless as our love for each other, a relationship that will never be broken. ''

''Weel-Jahm: That's a good way to think of our never ending love for each other Ra Lee my dear wondrous love. ''

''Ra Lee: Wow that was actually another of the nicest things you've ever said to me my love. Your compliments always soo nice to listen to. ''

''Weel-Jahm: I aim to please you my love in each and every way possible. ''

''Ra Lee: And your succeeding each and every time my love. Your words are as pretty as if they came from the lips of a god. ''

''Weel-Jahm: A god wow really? I mean i thought i was decent at coming up with compliments and all but i didn't think i were a master or somethin at it. ''

''Ra Lee: You are pretty much my god of love my dear wondrous Weel-Jahm. ''

''Weel-Jahm: And then i'd say your my goddess of love AND beauty my love. ''

''Ra Lee: Wow you think so? Thanks my love, i didn't think i looked that good. ''

''Weel-Jahm: No matter what your wearing can hide your immense beauty my love. You are the love of my life and you know that. ''

''Ra Lee: And so are you my love (She says as she leans her head on Weel-Jahms shoulder). ''

''Weel-Jahm: By the way, are you hungry Ra Lee my dear?. ''

''Ra Lee: Actually a bit yes, and i'm also thirsty. Why did you ask? ''

''Weel-Jahm: Oh it just so happens that i packed two sweetrolls with me and two bottles of Lilmothian juice just for this pre honeymoon of ours. ''

''Ra Lee: Gee i didn't expect you to pack some sweetrolls and two bottles of Lilmothian juice with you my love. Did you get two of each just for the two of us? ''

''Weel-Jahm: Indeed i did. Hope it'll taste good my love since i made them especially for you. ''

''Ra Lee: You baked these? Wow your simply amazing my love, words can not express how happy i am. This pre honeymoon is the best thing I've ever been on. I can't wait to see how the real actual honeymoon in Elsweyr is gonna turn out to be. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Well bottoms up as the imperials say (He says as he opens his bottle of juice and starts drinking it right away). ''

''Ra Lee: To be honest i'm surprised you didn't bring anything with alcohol in it. May i ask why my love? ''

''Weel-Jahm. Well you see Ra Lee my love. Like you i see alcohol as a vile poison. Don't you know that its thanks to alcohol that so many pairs divorce? Ever since i was 14 i promised myself to NEVER touch that vile poison ever just because i want a nice straight life with someone like yourself my love. ''

''Ra Lee: Really you don't drink ale and such either? Wow i thought i was like the only one that don't touch alcohol. And i see alcohol as a vile poison like you my love. I don't want us to get angry at each other thanks to some stupid liquor known as alcohol. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Wow that's wonderful to hear my love. Hmm when we get back home at our Rune Tower remind me to tell one of my imp minions to abort the shipment of fine wine i was gonna buy especially for you. And i'll also have him know to ask for the money back. Which also means i can buy you my dear a few presents at some point. ''

''Ra Lee: Presents? How wonderful i love presents. Thanks so much my love. You always know how to make your love happy. Your simply the best my love. ''

''Weel-Jahm: I knew you'd be happy my love. Now shall we finish of these sweetrolls and bottles of juice and get ready to go to Elsweyr tomorrow? ''

''Ra Lee: We're going tomorrow already? When? ''

''Weel-Jahm: When you wake up sweetheart. Don't worry i'll have our dragon fly us to Elsweyr when we're ready to go. ''

''Ra Lee: So we gonna rent a at the local inn here in Bravil? ''

''Weel-Jahm: Ha don't worry my love i'd never have you rest in one of their so called 'beds'. I'll simply put a teleportation marker right here and we'll end up right here when we step out of the rune tower. ''

''Ra Lee: Wow thank you Weel my dear. I was worried if we'd have to rent a stupid room in that rathole of a city Bravil. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright you ready to go home my love? ''

''Ra Lee: Yeah lets go i'm getting tired. Besides i think we need some more 'private' time together at home if you know what i mean ha ha. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Heh thats how i like it my love. Alright hold my hand and we'll be back home in a few seconds. ''

''Ra Lee: Ok here we go (She says as she grabs a hold of Weel-Jahms left hand). ''

(Seconds later Weel-Jahm and Ra Lee returns at their rune towers main hall.)

''Weel-Jahm: Ok my love you can go wait in our private quarters and i'll just cancel that shipment of the vile poisonous wine. ''

Ra Lee: Alright see you in a few seconds then (Ra Lee says as she walks over to their private quarters). ''

''Weel-Jahm: Imp get over here! ''

''Imp: Yes master what is it?. ''

''Weel-Jahm: I'd like you to cancel that shipment of wine and get our money back for it. ''

''Imp: But how master? ''

''Weel-Jahm: Oh well i don't know just steal the money or find a succubus to help you get the money back. ''

''Imp: Alright it will be done master. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Good and now scurry of to get my money back. (Weel-Jahm says as he walks back into the private quarters). ''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright i'm back. Imp said he would get the money back somehow. ''

''Ra Lee: Good now that won't ruin our night together oh he he (she says in a very seductive tone). ''

''Weel-Jahm: It most certainly won't my dear it most certainly won't (He says in a very proud tone). ''

''Ra Lee: Alright lets just have a good night of reading or whatever or just have 'fun' perhaps hi hi. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Oh i see what your getting at my love. Anyways lets have a good night together before we fall asleep shall we? ''

''Ra Lee: That we shall my love that we shall (She finishes her sentence by giving Weel-Jahm a kiss on the forehead.). ''