The adventures of Ra Lee and Weel-Jahm Part 12

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12th Screenshot in the series!
''Ra Lee: (Ra Lee just awoke again to find herself alone in the bed yet again. Before even attempting to stand up Ra Lee stretches her arms and yawns quite loud) Alright whats my love up to now. The book or something else? ''

''Ra Lee: Oh my love where are you?. ''

''Weel-Jahm: In the main hall i have a special suprise for you my love. ''

''Ra Lee: Alright on my way, i can't wait to see this surprise of yours my love. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Ta da i just made you breakfast my love. Hope you like it since i woke up earlier today just to make breakfast for you when you woke up. ''

''Ra Lee: Aww how sweet of you my dear Weel-Jahm. I see you made us some traditional argonian breakfast. Mmm spells good. By the way is that crimson bread i can feel the scent of? ''

''Weel-Jahm: That it is my love, i even made you more Lilmothian juice. ''

''Ra Lee: Alright thank you my love, your simply the best (She says in a cheerful tone and runs her hand along Weel-Jahms cheek gently and then gives him yet another kiss). ''

''Weel-Jahm: Ah i woke earlier and made breakfast to be rewarded by your lovely kisses, how wonderful! (He says in a very calm tone). ''

''Ra Lee: Your welcome my love. (She says before she puts a piece of crimson bread in her mouth and swallows it after a few seconds). So are we going to Elsweyr soon? ''

''Weel-Jahm: That we are my love, that we are. But first lets just eat breakfast before we head out shall we? ''

''Ra Lee: Missing out on breakfast made by you my love would be a pain for me to miss my love. ''

(After a few minutes of eating their breakfast Weel-Jahm and Ra Lee teleports back to where Weel-Jahm last put his teleportation marker)

''Weel-Jahm: Alright the marker worked it seems. Ok now let me look at the map before i call Xanruhtraap here. Ok we're going to Kings walk first. (Weel-Jahm whistles loudly and says) Xanruhtraap come to me! ''

(After only a few seconds Xanruhtraap appears right in front of Weel-Jahm and Ra Lee.)

''Xanruhtraap: Ah my master and his mistress, where are you two headed today?

''Weel-Jahm: Like you may recall from what i said me and my love are heading for Elsweyr on our honeymoon together. ''

''Xanruhtraap: Yes but WHERE in Elsweyr are you headed Weel-Jahm my master? ''

''Weel-Jahm: We're headed to the road outside a place called King's walk. Ever seen it? ''

''Xanruhtraap: Ha i just happened to fly past it just mere minutes ago. So i'll gladly take you both there in no time. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright you ready for some more flying Ra Lee my dear? ''

''Ra Lee: As ready as always my love (She says in a pretty excited tone). ''

''Xanruhtraap: Ah i see you like seeing the world from above miss Ra Lee. ''

''Ra Lee: Yeah its pretty exciting to see the world so small, thanks to my love and you Xanruhtraap i could finally see the world from a whole different perspective. ''

''Weel-Jahm and Xanruhtraap: My pleas....... ''

''Weel-Jahm: Wow we both said it at the same time ha ha. ''

''Xanruhtraap: What an interruption i'd say. Either way, jump on and keep steady i don't want you both to die somehow. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Um yeah about that (Weel-Jahm Says as he and Ra Lee both climb onto
Xanruhtraap's back and sit down on the saddles.) ''

(And after a few seconds Weel-Jahm and Ra Lee arrive near King's rest.) ''

''Xanruhtraap: Here we are. Now you two have a good time on your honeymoon. I'll see you some other time. ''

''Weel-Jahm: Thanks for the ride Xanruhtraap, we'll see you back at the Rune tower i guess. ''

''Ra Lee: Bye Xanruhtraap see you at home. ''

''Xanruhtraap: Likewise my masters. (He says as he flies away into the horizon). ''

''Weel-Jahm: Alright we're here my love. Excited? ''

''Ra Lee: You bet i am my love! So wheres our first destination? ''

''Weel-Jahm: First off i want to show you the landscape my love. There are a few nice spots i found when i was visiting Elsweyr at some point. Oh by the way, i promised to carry you around here on the roads, so let's go shall we? ''

''Ra Lee: Alrighty then my love (she says as she jumps onto Weel-Jahms back again). ''

''Weel-Jahm: So what do you think of Elsweyr thus far my love? ''

''Ra Lee: Looks nice i guess, i think i'm gonna take of my gloves for this warmth though.

''Weel-Jahm: But them in my pocket, so you don't have to carry them all the way. ''

''Ra Lee: Aww how sweet of you my love, your too kind. ''

''Weel-Jahm: anything for you my love (He says as he starts moving). ''


  1. argonianlord
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    @shinyfan. Thanks mate. I actually had to retake this screenshot because there was one icky thing that happened with the OSR pose mod i used. Although i fixed it in the retake of the screenshot and in this version i felt like having a bit clear view and such. I am somehow not very proud of the writing though. Oh well one can't be an expert all the time lol.
  2. shinyfan
    • BANNED
    • 25 kudos
    saved - I like how you captured those two and I like the clear view