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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Haha... - ...YAY! She likes it! I'm so happy!

    Many many thanks to all of you for your lovely comments and support!
  2. Gwanuneg
    • member
    • 97 kudos
    What a wonderful variety in processing, excellent screenshots, Tob!

    I really liked the fourth - looks remarkably like an old, old engraving.
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 124 kudos
      Many many thanks for all your feedback and your always kind words!
  3. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Fantastic gallery of images, you did such awesome work! It is wonderful birthday gift, I think!
    Also Happy belated Birthday from me NightShade!
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 124 kudos
      Thank you so much for keeping faith with me and for your flattering words!
      This means a lot!
  4. jamelgo
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    The Bonus image is so good that I´m gonna put right now the game. Destiny: Cheydinhal.

    Tob this is truly amazing!
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 124 kudos
      What!? Seriously?
      Thanks a lot for your wonderful words!
  5. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Fantastic work Tobbie!

    I saw this post yesterday, and was going to comment then... but my post wouldn't go through, and from there was plagued with 502 errors, and page display problems that wouldn't even let me view any of the Nexus sites (same for most of today... :/)
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 124 kudos
      Thank you very much for your kind words!
      Yeah, same here! The Nexus is veeeery slooow these days.
      Have you already read the news?
      It seems that a DoS attack is the cause.
      I guess the only thing we can do is to wait patiently...
    2. papp263
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Yep I read that... I have anti-virus, firewalls... etc, etc... just have to wait until its over or they can block this from happening...
  6. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Thanks a lot, discovery and frank! I really appreciate your kind words!
  7. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    Oh Tob!
    the pictures of Cheydinhal are terrific.
    my personal favorit is the Dark version.
    just a dream.
    also happy birthday from me NightShade.
  8. discovery1
    • account closed
    • 139 kudos
    wonderfully vibrant, a nice image to come from work to. excellent!
  9. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Many many thanks, DragonHeart, Runa, Denny, Nighty, mac, jobra, Lookbot and groundy!
    I really appreciate your flattering comments!
  10. groundmammal
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Great image Tob, as well as the others you posted, sorry I couldn't comment on them all, been really busy as of late.
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 124 kudos
      No problem! Thanks for stopping by and leaving some nice words!
  11. Lookbot
    • member
    • 89 kudos