Mythic Dawn Assassin

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Many a would be rebel or hero have met their fate at the hands of a Mythic Dawn Assassin, an exclusive branch of the Inquisition known as the Vindicare Temple. They are highly trained, merciless killers who excel in all means of target elimination. No matter where their targets run they will find them and they will kill them. No matter what weapon they have to use, they will dispatch their target, after all, a kill is a kill, from one yard, or one thousand. Or maybe slip some poison into their wine, whatever kills the target is good
There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Vindicare temple as a whole, and it is unknown exactly how long ago it was set up, but being part of the Inquisition it is generally accepted that it was set up along with the inquisition. Regardless, it's name is spoken in hushed tones, or better not spoken at all. The price for giving information of any kind about the Vindicare temple is imprisonment in Fort Carcernus, and few come back to tell the tale.
They have a deadly Chokeberry poison which they apply to their weapons, and it is known to stop the heart of a target within seconds of impacting. The Vindicare Assassins are unflinchingly loyal to Coation and the Mythic Dawn, and will kill themselves rather than risk capture. If the Templars are the hammer of the Dawn, the Vindicare Assassins are undoubtedly the sword.

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  1. deleted6317247
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    Very nice work! Glad to see you posting again.