Memoirs of a Mischa

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About this image

A showcase wallpaper (1920 x 1080) for my reincarnated TES IV: Oblivion character - Mischa, a Moonshadow Elf. Since I still can't decide whether to focus her as my usual rogue class, or a ranger, or even a mage - she is acting as all 3 for now!

While this was primarily produced to act as a showcase for the chargen mods (race/texturing/bodyshape/hair/eyes etc. It also serves to showcase some of the animation overhauls given the 3 main class idle poses featured.

Race: Moonshadow Elf (with customised version of the tattood skin since I didn't like the standard variants)
Texturing: 4096x4096 hi res skin & clothing textures in use
Bodyshape: HGEC
Hair/eyes: Ren (I think!)

Full mod list available at:…@