ENB- Maximum Parallax

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Alright, I'm not a graphics enthusiast. I normally just try to get my setup stable, so I don't really care about many glitches anymore. But when I once tried out ENB (ATE I believe), I stumbled upon this peculiar thing.
I knew I had installed Parallax mods and turned the ENB setting on, but still...
I know Parallax is a weird shader and ,in most games,doesn't look so great.But this,THIS is awesome.
But sadly, I can't continue using this, since I need ENBoost more badly than ENB.


  1. astrob0y
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    I get this with some in door floor (fighter guild in bruma) as well when combine enb and obge parallax
  2. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    It again reminds me that I've got a half-baked Doors of Oblivion mod sizzling at the backburner, and no idea when it may get completed and released...
    1. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Heh! Just the other day, when I was collecting door-screenies from Ubanga and Nehrim and Orden-des-Drachen (I like photographing doors in RL, too), I thought, mmhmm, didn't M. announce something with doors in it? I checked ... but no. Nothing ..
      Slangens, I cannot comment on ENB, I'm sorry, I simply stumbled upon this title, having played good old ``Descent´´ recently. But it's an interesting door, badly painted by the new owner, though .