Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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The Abysmer Playable Race Version 2.0 with lots of improvements and new features (well, at leas some) is finally released.

You can find them HERE

Now I need some sleep. Or unconsciousness. Something.



  1. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Nicely done.
  2. Striker879
    • premium
    • 293 kudos
    In days of old it was a treacherous job,  known as "paying the devil" (putting chalking in the devil seam, which is under the hull on a wooden ship just forward of the transom  ... if the old chalking came out while the ship was at sea the ship could easily founder, so crewmen were suspended by lines under the ship's counter with mallet and chalking until the seam was payed with chalking or the crewman was drowned from getting driven underwater as the sea swells passed).
    They were caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.