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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Oblivion needs you.
I don't know if Oblivion needs me, but I can't live without Oblivion, especially now with so much new material (body and head meshes and textures) to bring to "life" my ideas.
And I see you also have a good run bringing yours to life.
I totally see the African look, that even was the first thing I thought before reading.
Very creative and well done scene, and her look as well!
Philippus is based on the character of the same name created by George Pérez for his epic and classical run on the Wonder Woman comic book when I was younger. Pérez character, ground-breaking for his time, was African instead of Caucasian (he was highly criticized for introducing both African an Asian Amazons on the comic). So i struggled with the geometry slider until my Philippus looked as much as Pérez's. Her profile is even more African, with exquisitely voluminous lips and a somewhat flat nose really sexy. Yes, I'm proud of myself, what's the matter?