Lavadia coast

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Ubanga, Lavadia coast, seen from the northern ledges of Kerro Radaunam. Best Oblivion landscapes ever. :)

(The sunrays are photoshopped. I can't run OR on my poor old computer, and the sky was a blue fog wall without any addition.)


  1. DrakeTheDragon
    • Moderator
    • 305 kudos
    Wow! I so must get this mod for my next play-testing my sky dive and wing gliding flight system.
    My current jump-off point Dive Rock's but a little mound in comparison!
    1. Ynguatep
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Yeah, absolutely. Scale is something entirely different in Ubanga.

      Sky dive with Dragons?
    2. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      Initially it was meant for my dragons, yes, but then I considered making it usable by just about everyone and only dragons being able to rise again higher than their momentum from a previous dive allows by use of their wings.

      The gliding's working rather nicely already, the wing flaps not so much. Physics in Oblivion isn't anywhere near reality and a lot of parameters and formulae are massively different, it seems. But I'm getting there eventually.

      I also started creating the first sets of animations for the motion part. Diving and rising movement works satisfactory by now, but I'd really "die" to have some proper rolling motion in it as well. Sadly Oblivion's actor system does not allow for angular movement around the "roll" axis, only "pitch" and "jaw" is possible. So it's again back at "faking" it via animations instead. Slowly I'm getting to hate it.

      I can do a lot of neat things with the Camera System, but I want the dragons/gliders to roll and tilt, not just the screen around them.

      For what it's worth here's some information and pictures of what I last published about it:
      There's been more, like a video with the real gliding animations instead of the skydive placeholder, the real wing glider instead of the wingsuit, etc., but I wasn't yet able to make anything presentable out of it.

      The motion and physics scripts need improving, the wing flapping must work, the animations have to be redone to work for my dragons' wings as well, (my dragons' latest anatomy needs to be finalized and released for this to work first finally,) I want the damn rolling to look and feel right as well, and last but not least I plan to introduce some wind currents and similar neat play-around features. Oh, well, we'll see.
    3. Ynguatep
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Sweet! Thanks for the link. And good luck with getting the motions feel right. That's the point about flying after all, not just seeing things from above.
  2. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    Very nice!