beep boop

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  1. LuxDivinity
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    What race and hair mod are you using on this and Lucette screenshots?
    They are like the most beautiful characters I've seen in this game ^.^
    1. Briala
      • supporter
      • 37 kudos
      Awww, thank you! <3 Let's see. My old computer died (and it's been a while), so I can't be 100% sure about Lucette, but if I remember rightly she was an Evy with some custom face textures that I made! Which I don't have any more because deadputer. Alas.

      This girl is a copy of the OCO2 Imperial race with new textures, and her hair is a port from KS Hairdos for Skyrim - which it should be okay to share because it doesn't use any Skyrim assets, so: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucmzhb1ge5itxfd/momohourglass.7z?dl=0

      It isn't colourable because I have no idea how that works, so when adding it to a race in the CS you'll have to check the box that says it's a fixed colour. I included blonde textures - if you want to recolour them, it's easier to go from blonde to dark than the reverse. Enjoy! 83
    2. LuxDivinity
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      That's a shame that you don't have the textures anymore as they looked amazing!

      Thanks for sharing the hair, recently I was thinking about porting some hairstyles from the same mod but have absolutely no idea how to do it.
      Could you point me to the tutorial or explain very short in PM how to do it?
      I'd be very grateful

      I've seen on some screenshot somewhere hair ported from KS Hairdos that had vanilla gloss to it and it might have been colourable. Will have to investigate later ;m