Stretched glitch HELP

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  1. Quemon
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    I had a similar issue once when I forgot the _n.dds
    1. ANiceOakTree
      • premium
      • 403 kudos
      That might be it, how do you get the nif to look for the _n.dds? Most other wigs seem to only look for the diffuse and it might be having trouble finding it when I have differently named color textures.
    2. chakaru11
      • premium
      • 299 kudos
      Underscores are key Add an underscore to the "core name" and it should work fine. Like "hairname_bl.dds" etc. Add the colours after the underscore. That way you can name your normal map "hairname_n.dds" and everything works fine.
    3. ANiceOakTree
      • premium
      • 403 kudos
      THAT DID IT Thanks so much you two, I can't believe that was the issue lol
  2. farlibarcai
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    The good thing is that hair doesn't need to be rigged at all (unless you make wigs) and short hair like this one can work with only one texture so you can change the color in the race menu.
    I'm not sure if you need to generate the .egm file.
  3. chakaru11
    • premium
    • 299 kudos
    Oh wow XD I am not a hair expert (I only make wigs for a reason XD) but I had this happen to me before: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/88138/?

    In that case I goofed in Nifskope and changed the number of bones per vertex XD

    But hairs also go bonkers when something is iffy with the transparency/normal maps tho.

    Edit: Looking at the Nif files its a wig XD awesome. That I can work with. On first glance I'd probably throw out the neck and spine bones, hair that is shorter than shoulder length doesnt need them. Believe me, the "neck" bone only causes problems you don't want.

    Edit2: First instinct was right, the texture files are named wrong. No empty spaces plskthx Underscores do the trick.