Long-Lost Relatives

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Okay Oblivion DLC, how many long lost relatives can an anonymous Breton prisoner have in Cyrodiil?

My discs of the GOTY edition finally wouldn't read anymore, so I bought the steam version with everything when it was on sale. This is my first time having ALL of the DLC, so I finally get to experience horse armor after all these years.


  1. hrews
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    It surely is the same person.
    1. Hayllee
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      You get two notes along with the quests: one is a very official looking deed, and the other is bloody note from someone who basically says they're kicking the bucket soon and think you're a worthy successor. They ask that you continue their service to Sithis. If they ARE the same person, they must have been one interesting character. Completely possible, I suppose.
  2. asteriasennall
    • member
    • 51 kudos
    Yeah, super creative writing, right? They didn't even try and it's annoyed me about those DLC quests for years
    1. Hayllee
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      I actually laughed. It was kind of cute. Like they had the idea for the house way before they thought about why your character was getting a random house for free. The quest for Battlehorn Castle seems nicer. though.
  3. Aurasoma
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    You think this is bad? Go look at Oxhorn's review of the Creation Club.
    1. Hayllee
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Oh my God. The DLC in Oblivion feels... innocent? Like they genuinely thought charging $5 (or however much it was) for horse armor and player housing was a good idea. But after watching just 5 minutes of that, the Creation Club stuff feels worse. Like "You don't have to buy it, but if you're against the Club, you're against people getting paid for work! Like, ah... these great... pip boy retextures are worth something, right?" I respect people who use it, it's just totally not for me.

      Edit: 8 minutes in, that frame clipping is disgusting. That's something beginner modders get rude comments for, but it's fine for Beth to charge for that. Okay, sure. I never watched any of Oxhorn's stuff, thanks for the link.