Grass in cities test

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  1. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    Oh, it's going to be pretty! Are you planning to release it as a mod?
    1. Brandy_123
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      it looks much better, but i wonder how much headache you will receive when people start moaning about "its not compatible with My-Walls-Can-Move mod" or "I lose .013 FPS if I jump off that statue, backwards, casting detect life, while spinning around with my print drivers updating - can you fix it?"

      honestly, i look forward to see what you can do with these barren spaces.
    2. acidzebra
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Maczopikczo: If I get it to a state where I'm happy with it, yeah, will release. So far the landscape brush has been an exercise in frustration and you're essentially painting blind (have to load in game frequently to actually see what it looks like). I have some business travel coming up starting this Saturday but should have some time to finish up at least Anvil for release after, I'll probably do it city by city.

      I've also made mass edits to the many grass mods I run with, both the .nifs (resizing) and the CS settings for them, so I'm not sure what it'll look like with vanilla grasses or with grass mods (and too happy with my mod list to want to disturb the balance I have struck).

      Brandy: lol interesting example, I think the Oblivion community is much more laid-back than the Skyrim one (or rather, less people so the # of asshats is lower), but the general answer for that type of user is always to pick one of "ignore, make fun of, block, report" depending on how annoying they are. I've never felt the need to play tech support, patch maker, or personal taste caterer for the mods I've released
    3. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      @ acidzebra - Yeah, I know what you mean about your schedule. My philosophy is there's no rush when it comes to these things. After all you make them to wind down, chill out, and to let your creative side glide. It's not your other job. Take your time and gradually we'll see some awesomeness rather than the rotten fruit of frustration. Besides, thanks for the tip about resizing grass meshes. It never crossed my mind to do it as easily like this. To be honest I guess I'll make them even smaller because some of them (I use Verdant Anthesis) still look slightly oversized. I wonder if you could pass the weed (don't you just love the sound of it?), I mean outside official channels, because copyrights, etc.

      @ Brandy - I've never seen a better example. Looks like you're no stranger to grass/weed - related issues
    4. acidzebra
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Wise words about taking your time, as an engineer I usually want to fix-fix-fix :)

      Sent a PM.
    5. Brandy_123
      • premium
      • 114 kudos

      Hey! why is there a dagger floating in your pond between the heart and the stat bars? Is that the discarded weapon used to kil....I mean the supposed weapon used on the missing messenger person from Skyrim?

      Looks like a Bonus item from one of the assassin guild quests... Hmmm, Perhaps it was YOU, Mr. Black Hand brethren who in fact assisted in the disappearance of that poor simple messenger. ;P .. I mean so I've been told that such a group really exists and that the probable item in question could or may be involved with bonuses for certain acts that may or may not have been committed.
    6. acidzebra
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Yes, nothing about this reply is suspicious. Nothing at all.

      I did say it was a screenshot of a vanilla Oblivion game I found online... perhaps it belonged to... YOU!
    7. acidzebra
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Went live: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48178/

      enjoy ^^
  2. dragonfire3405
    • member
    • 45 kudos
    OOoo! Now that looks nice!