Marob307's Mod review Oranstad village

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Credit to Bevilex for the image !

Hi every one,

This one is my review from Settlement of Cyrodiil serie. (SOC) As Arthmoor's villages,  this is also a good quality settlements mods.  All those mods are supported by all natural and patched for multiple conflicts.

Also, even if Mhann123 doesn't currently mod, he give supports and will probably update his mods in a near future.

The purpose of those mods is to introduce more farms to cyrodiil. Because the vanilla province is mostly empty  and the imperial city needs to be feeded. It is a realistic and comestic mod because the villages of farms doen't have quest or plots.  But the quality and pertinence of those new settlements are high.  

Because of the absence of quest, i will give to SOC a 8 on 10. Also, i recommand them n the load order after Arthmoor's serie. I think there are must be. Also, a drakenlowe revamp is in WIP.

The first settlement  i will present is Oranstad. It is a beautiful town between Skingrad and IC. I love the new shop and tavern of the town. Also, Cyrodiil feel more inhabited and less wilderness with this village. It is an excellent spot to stop after a long trip. the town is also well guarded and on the road of brindle home.  

This mod is maybe the best of this collection.