Marob307's Mod review  Hackdirt Alive

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Image from Maczopikczo (something like that)

Hello, I take a small break for new villages mod. This one is a revamp for the Vanilla Hackdirt. This one is just cosmetic and don't add quest to this village. and don't edit Hackdirt's cave. It just had a lot of clutters in Hackdirt exterior and interior. Fully compatible with Hackdirt the deep ones.Some incompabilities with travellers of Tamriel.(Just disable a barrel)Analysis:

+ Hackdirt feals more realistic
+ NPcs gains more personnality.
+ some clutters are interesting

- Pathgrid is terrible. In the inn, the  Barman is stuck in the desk, npcs are also stucks in the carrosse outside ( Pathgrid cross that)
- Low pcs can suffer of performance decrease
- This mod can Unbalance this village, because the other settlements doesn't improved
- Not supported or updated by the author 

Conclusion:I am ambivalent on this one and i will just give  a 6 on ten. I do not recommand it, because i had unistalled that from my game. ( incompabilities with travellers of Tamriel, stuck Npcs) Also, i had no other mod who edit Hackdirt. Free to discust if you are in disagree.


  1. Wiseman05
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    This is a purely beautiful shot! Now I know that this was posted 4 years ago, but I have to ask what sort of mods you used to achieve that sort of dark look to Oblivion if you can remember. I love the game, but I usually gravitate towards darker aesthetics, and I feel that the graphics through Brevelix's guide is still too bright.
  2. arach32
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    What amazing lighting!
  3. bevilex
    • premium
    • 297 kudos
    C’est quoi le conflit avec Tamriel Travellers?
    1. marob307
      • member
      • 101 kudos
      Une chaise avec un barils. Tu as un gars assis dans un tonneau. C'est à l'entrée de l'auberge sur la droite.

      Pis le pathgrid est mal faite.

      tpg et regarde le carrosse et certains npcs demeurent coincés dedans.