Overhaul Review

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This is an image from my palace improvement mod, but it will not be the object of this review. I will talk about all overhauls of oblivion I will even teach how install them with wac. Yes, it is possible to run FRAN, OOO, MMM, Warcry, MOO and WAC together.

Overhauls treated: 

Francesco, Oscuro, Martingen mobsters, warcry, Maskar and Walx.

1. Francesco Overhaul (items and creatures v5.
I personnaly like this  overhaul, less than  OOO but it is likable. It is not a revamp of oblivion system but an improvement. it is far more  lighter and friendly than OOO. This mod just edit existing leveled lists with new items and monsters.
You have also more options  in the installation wizard like more spawnpoint. it is also friendly  to install with the wizzard.

I don't see a lot of flaw in this mod, but some new items are juste retexture.

Stong points: easy to install, customisable with wizzard, high compatibility without mobs, lot of  new items and creatures, Not fps consuming.

This mod edit the arena and SI also. 

It is the first mod required for fcom and one easy thing to install, the wizzard work for you

Compatibility patch exist for TIE also.

Next one will be warcry