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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. farlibarcai
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    That dress was meant to be used by smol ladies xD

    And I installed Warframe a couple of days ago, I hope Sacrifice is good enough to keep the 15+ GB the game takes.
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      Well, I guess, I can't defy it's creator! (yay, stupid Warframe pun) For some reason Dari's Akane seems to be the exception though.

      So, have you already played "The Sacrifice"? If so, how did you like it?
      Having played it myself, I'd say DE did a great job with the quest. Though I'm having a bit of a problem with the polarities of the new (weapon) mods (I'm trying to keep it spoiler-free, just in case, hope this sentence makes sense anyways)
    2. farlibarcai
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      True, Dari knows the magic behind characters and good lighting (I advise you to try different wigs/hairstyles, lightgems and maybe interiors with good lightning, but probably you already know that).

      And regarding The Sacrifice, I liked the locations and the story overall, but the mission was kinda short compared to the Second Dream or the War Within. Exca Umbra and the new sword look neat, but I'm concerned about the changes on meta now that the powers have their own mod setup (Exalted Blade and Valkyr's Hysteria). It's still highly unlikely for me to use those new polarities with a different weapon/frame unless I decide to start farming sentients.
      And Excalibur with that black scarf looks top tier comfy xD
    3. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      Hm, for some reason I didn't get a notification for your reply. Or I'm blind or stupid (or both) and accidently clicked on "Updates" without noticing. Anyways,...

      I agree, the quest seems a bit shorter and I was somewhat suprised, that it ended, how/where it ended. Still awesome though. I suspect that there's another one coming soon (possibly announced at TennoCon?).
      Also, love the reward. I chose Volt as a starter and I can't stand Frohd Bek in the Ambulas fight, so I never got Excal, until they changed the drop location. Didn't want to waste a potato on him, since Umbra was announced by then and I didn't knew what that would entail. Thus I'm quite happy, that I finally got an Excal (basically for free) plus he has a super awesome scarf and Fashion Frame is endgame afterall xD
      Regarding the Exalted Weapons, I was kinda on the fence about it too, but it starts growing on me. It's kinda nice not having to use specific weapons for your abilities to work properly, especially for Titania. And they did a somewhat decent job with the polarities most of the time. Didn't need any Forma for my Valkyr and 1 for my Titania (might use another one though).
      Well,... except for Umbra: 3 Formas in and I can't get rid of those 2 new polarities, so I'm stuck with the Sacrificial mods for which I still need another 70000 Endo. But Chromatic Blade + Condition Overload is OP anyway, so not that much of a problem xD

      Whoa, quite the text, sorry 'bout that.
  2. rakios
    • supporter
    • 41 kudos
    Shut up and take my endorsement! ;D

    Don't actually shut up, though. It's cool to read something related to what was posted. ^^
    These turned out really well!
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      That meme never gets old xD

      Honestly though, everytime I make more of a blog'ish post, albeit the response to my other ones, I still wonder, if anyone is even gonna read this. I myself like to read such posts, so it's always good to see, that I'm not the only one and my efforts aren't in vain
    2. rakios
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Yeah, I at least like reading about our collective struggles, ideas and efforts as modders and screenshotters :)