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  1. Mahtawa
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    Based on some note(s) i've gotten.
    Natural coverage is not allowed on free galleries and i thought her other eye was purple too. You couldn't really see it before and brain thinks ahead and the results are usually wrong. xD
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      I thought natural coverage is allowed for "adult-only" images,... anyways, if that would've been the reason or that I forgot to tick the checkbox, no confusion on my part. I was told though, that too much side boobs and buttocks were the problem, but most of her rear is either off-screen, not visible from the perspective or covered by leaves and there's not really much to see of her boobs either. Besides there are lots of images with far more sparse covered bits and far more revealing angles on the Nexus in general, which apparently were fine, so... yeah, don't really know. But whatever, might post it on LL later, if I can be bothered xD

      Regarding her eyes, there are a few pics where both are actually kinda visible, but only, if you know what you're looking for, I suppose. And there usually are other "distractions" *insert "if you know, what I mean" face*. Not sure, if anyone ever noticed.
    2. Muugle
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Too bad I didn't catch the original image :(
  2. Quemon
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    * hype hype hype * thank you it looks amazing on her! :)
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      Honestly, when I first tried this, I was kinda on the fence about it, but it's growing on me. Probably just because it looks so different to what I'm used to.
      Anyways, thanks for the wig That's a lovely tradition, will try to remember for next year.
  3. Sleepytime
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    she is awfully cute
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      Thanks, she definitely has a cute side, yes, and the wig's probably doing its part too. In general she seems to alternate between cute, seductive and occasionally "You're not going to live very long, if you continue staring" xD