Misty day on river Ethe

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  1. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 214 kudos
    Oh wow! Wow! Thank you for this unexpected flurry of wonderful comments from my old and new friends! It's so great to see you all are still around – and new faces too. I keep working on stuff for Oblivion, but the fact that life's thrown me to the other side of the world, while exciting, certainly doesn't speed up the process. There's just so many things to see and experience in Melbourne and Victoria, where I'm staying for another year, that I'm left with enough time to literally sculpt a single rock a day (on a good day). But I'm telling you, sculpting textures in Blender (or rather sculpting normal maps based on colour maps) gives mindblowing results! Wait and see. Just don't hold your breath, because I've picked for starters probably the most complex and difficult rocky texture, but once I finish that, nothing's going to be too hard :)
  2. Dennywood
    • member
    • 163 kudos
    Hi New(ish) character! You look Great!... really.
    Mac, your new settings are stunning too. You got a new(ish) pc too?
    I love all details... and the shrubs too.
    Congratulation and very glad to see you again... please, don't give up.

  3. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Hey there my friend, these look great!
    1. Tobjoern
      • supporter
      • 125 kudos
      Hey papps! Still alive!? Nice to see you too!
  4. Guinefort1
    • member
    • 215 kudos
    I always love to see your cinematic screenshots.
  5. Lookbot
    • member
    • 90 kudos
    Beautiful :3
  6. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 125 kudos
    Hey, EoS is back!

    ...and he looks better than ever! To conquer new frontiers!

    Nice to see you're still being around here! Love the 2nd pic and saved it!

    ....There must be a nirnroot around the corner... ^^
  7. clauDA
    • member
    • 246 kudos
    Hello. Are these your textures? If yes, I am impressed. Very beautiful pictures.
    I'm considering restarting Oblivion and testing it.
    I have to make room for that first. (Skyrim)(-;
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 246 kudos
      It's been a long time since I played Oblivion. Since then, apparently much has happened.
      Would you recommend a few mods to make Oblivion more realistic?
    2. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      Hey, thank you so much for such nice words. I had a little stalk at your profile, and geez, I'm impressed, too. Especially with your Gothic images - it's hard to believe it's still the same game I wasted months on when I should have been studying :D
      As for your question, the answer is yes and no - this time round I stick almost entirely to vanilla and my own textures - with exception of a few staples I can't play without, like Imperial Ecology - vanilla flavour, or Weather - All Natural. Yes, I even skipped Oblivion Character Overhaul in favour of my own face textures and hand picked age maps. The reason for such strict measures is that I want to keep track of my own progress with new ground textures (WIP), farmhouses (unfinished yet), architecture (WIP), Arboretum (WIP), and other stuff - some of which you can find in these images, and around nexus, should you wish so. WIP means that they don't cover every texture of their respective groups yet, but I'm completing them at leisurely pace. Right now I've started sculpting textures in Blender, and for me it's the beginning of a new era. They look totally awesome, even though they take waaaay too much time to make :)

      To get yourself started in right direction - at least graphic-wise - you should absolutely begin with Bevilex' guide, and then adjust salt, pepper, and other spices to your taste. Bevi has selected the cream of the cream of current graphic mods for Oblivion. Also, for installing stuff you just must get familiar with basics of Wrye Bash - which is much easier than it seems at first sight.

      I hope to see many great TES4 images coming from you. Easy wish, if your other screenies are the thing to go by. :)
    3. clauDA
      • member
      • 246 kudos
      Oh... Wow ... Thanks for the information.
      As soon as I have time I will restart Oblivion and test your textures and recommendations.
      Also, I'm looking forward to seeing something new from you.
      (Tracking on!) (-;

      Have a nice Weekend.
  8. monkeyangie
    • premium
    • 593 kudos
    i really like the dude texture, great to see you back :)
  9. xrayy
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    this looks very good and good to see you here! i feel tempted to launch oblivion...
  10. RunaUlfgar
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Good work, as always!

    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      Thank you very much, and you do know that I have the same opinion of your gems, don't you? ;)
  11. Room207
    • premium
    • 229 kudos
    Really wonderful captures! I'm impressed!
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      It's too long I haven't been present here :) Thanks, mate. I love all yours, too.