Waiting for the Forlorn Watchman

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  1. Sordahon1
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Can you tell me which mods were used? Looks a lot like Lamae companion from skyrim.
    1. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 136 kudos
      The race is Modified FF Race (loaded over the Breton race via blockhead), with eyes from Korana's Hidden Elves and a Wig from chakaru (this one here) and Luna's Alice (the one on the pocket dimension mod picture). You'll have to google all but the Hidden Elves, as they are not on the nexus.
      Actually, I'm pretty sure I used the head textures of CM Incub Vall (nexus) which uses the same head mesh.
    2. Sordahon1
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Okay, I managed to create something similar with ff race and wigs enabled, I changed eyes in ff esp and I have cute race now, thanks. Check it out here: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/171261
    3. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 136 kudos
      Congrats! :D
    4. Sordahon1
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      It seems that the head clips a bit when using helmets that don't replace heads, two spots where horns would be are just like too high somewhat, do you have that issue? Can you help me? https://imgur.com/a/CUq7QbE
    5. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 136 kudos
      I don't use helmets, the head is just too big.
    6. Sordahon1
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Is there a way to like make it slightly smaller just so it won't clip?
    7. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 136 kudos
      No. Editing heads is way into black magic territory that I have no idea of.
  2. fxdwgnexus
    • supporter
    • 70 kudos
    Excellent shots!
    Nice character too, by the way.