Late Wednesday and a birthday of sorts

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  1. Gamezhark
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    What mods are being used here?
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      Regarding my character: Head mesh (ears included), hairstyle, earrings & textures are all custom made/private. Body is a modified version of the DMZ body.
      Otherwise in terms of graphics enhancements I use a modified "Glow Hell" ENB & Oblivion Reloaded (for the skin shaders mostly). And the location is Shadowcrest Vineyard.
    2. Gamezhark
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you. Much appreciated.
  2. Sordahon1
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    How does glowing eyes work? I tried vampire glowing eyes mod but couldn't get it to work so i finaly found a person with working eyes, please help.
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      To make eyes (or anything else) glow, you'll first of all need a "Glow Map" ("_g.dds") for your textures, that tells the game which parts should be glowing.
      Secondly you'll have to set the "Emissive color" of your meshes material to anything but black (also determines the actual glow color, I believe) and add a "Glow Map" texture to the "NiTexturingProperty", that points at said texture.
      I never tested, if that last part is actually required, but Bethesda themselves did it this way with the Daedric armor for example. Hope this helps
  3. Mahtawa
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    She looks kinda pissed off *thinking emoji here*
    1. VortexZz
      • member
      • 47 kudos
      "Keep your hands to yourself or I'll burn 'em to cinders!"

      Was just messing around with poses and stuff and she gave me that look. It seemed fitting for her, so I decided to go with it xD
      That reminds me, I should really post some character bios.