Mill Comparison

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After posting the update yesterday, I thought some folks might like to have an
actual comparison image just to see for themselves what I'm blabbering about.
Here's a quick side by side for anyone who is interested in how things measure up.

On the left is the genuine article, Bethesda's Skyrim Lumbermill. Which I converted
to Oblivion mesh for measurement purposes upon starting this project. On the right
is the mill I've been upgrading from Rubberman's Morrowind model. 

As you can see they are very close, but there are a number of obvious differences
when viewing side by side in nifskope. That said, it's so close that textures aside,
only a TES junky could see the differences without having the two in one place.


  1. Crackomint
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    I think based on this and your prior image that you've done a great job in capturing the feel of Skyrim's logging mill. But the result is your edited resource looks more fitting to Oblivion's design and mesh aesthetics than if you had just converted the Skyrim asset. Great work!
    1. mhahn123
      • premium
      • 208 kudos
      Thanks! Now I'm having to go back and fix the log tray after being almost finished. I used Rubberman's log tray piece and laid a few end to end to create one continuous unit. But then when I stripified the mesh some of the faces inverted, making parts of it see through. Not sure why that happens but it has a few times on other models also.

      Nothing for it but to dig in and get it finished.
    2. ElderScrollsFan001
      • member
      • 130 kudos
      couldn't say it better than Crackomint did. I can't wait to see it finished