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  1. TesaPlus
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    All randoms are equal, but some randoms are more equal than others -- Tesa fell in love with the handsome one depicted in the last pic, while, at the very same time, Plus seemed to grow getting green-eyed beyond his natural disposition -- just a little bit (having green eyes by nature).:DYou seem to do very well, macz!

    Changing NPCs race by hand (like, redguard -> redguard1, etc ...) seems like tedious work. I'm almost sure this can be automated in CSE/Coda. Give us a buzz.
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Tes, I love you to say that, even though the images -- and the mod – are far from perfect yet (I've just discovered a pyramidal error in the egt, but I'm not sure if I can fix it right now, soaked in wine as I am (whoa, it's so nice and cheap down here!). Nothing I can't fix in my regular state, though.
      I'm actually planning to change the NPCs by Blockhead commands. Easy-peasy, but you've got me curious about coda. BTW your coda-created=flower-bed image os totally sick :D (But I do I wish I could a;so see the images in the description.)
    2. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      You can't see the additional images? At upload time I had the wrong sort of links included, but fixed that, like, ten minutes later.
      In case there's something else going wrong, here are the links once again:
    3. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Still no joy. The links are fine, but the pages won't open. (Unable to connect error...) And it doesn't matter which country I VPN to.
    4. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Dang. We've been using them for ages. It's perhaps time to switch to one of those larger services -- reluctantly.
    5. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Trying out stuff -- bear with me! Hehehe, I'm hijacking your thread ... But you started this!

      (link to html page)
      (forum1 w/ thumbnail)

      Hmm, that last one seems suitable to me, the "forum1 with thumbnail" thing.
    6. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      How cool is that! I can't even begin to imagine how you did that (although it's probably neatly explained in those little windows in the last image). Actually, is it possible to use that Coda magic on Gimp? For example if I'd like to save a series of layers as separate images (.tga) with consecutive numbers?
    7. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      double post
    8. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Yay, you can see me! Who knows, perhaps abload.de is doing stuff your Internet provider thinks is worth protecting you from?

      - - -

      I mentioned GIMP, because it, coming from Unices, can export images to this XPM format (paint.net, for example, can't).

      What this Coda program essentially does is to read a picture, that comes in XPM format -- happens to be human-readable --, and, whereever eg IrfanView would display, say, a red pixel, this Coda script drops a certain flower I've chosen before ("DomicaRedwort", for example).

      - - -

      It has been probably a decade since last I had been scripting something for GIMP. Much has happened since then. But, if you can do it by hand, it should be doable by script, too!
    9. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      I'm actually in the manual clutch camp rather than automatic :D But it would be super nice not to have to go through making the same change in 50 layers, then saving each of the layers separately, then again re-saving all of the layers separately in irfanview. It's such a doozy...
    10. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      That sounds horrible. This way, you're bound to become an alcoholic out of frustration alone before finishing the project. :(

      I just realised that the last time I did any scripting in GIMP was before the arrival of TinyScheme and Python, that is to say pre-2006. Hey, back then, I could finish a marathon in under 70 minutes! On a bike, but still.. Today, those bones hold barely together..Good thing is, TinyScheme should be much more reliable; this GIMP job was more than SIOD ever was meant to handle.
      - - -
      * Merging a couple of files as layers into one file: I have an idea how that can work. (Prolly w/ GIMP batch mode.)

      * Splitting a file w/ layers into a bunch of files: I don't know yet _how_ to do that, but I guess that should work, too.

      * Doing the same changes to 50 layers / images: Can you do this in a way that those changes can be assembled into one layer? If so, you would save that layer, and we could marry it to each of the 50 others (poor thing), and then merge the bunch of them.

      But I really feel like the easel led onto the ice, as the Germans say. :D
  2. moxica
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    Ive been away from Oblivion for a number of years.
    Where can i get that sick fro?
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Hi, Iit's fom the Kartoffel's mod. Here on nexus.
  3. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    He looks fine, is it OCO? I ask because I can't use it.
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Oh Denny, I'm sorry. It is based on both OCO and Blockhead (which means OBSE too). They're pretty much the modern standard. But I'll see at the end what can be done otherwise.
      But there is so much good advice flying around for those who have trouble installing/running OBSE, Blockhead, and OCO that you really shouldn't be totally at loss...
    2. Dennywood
      • member
      • 162 kudos
      I can play OCO but the problem is that I can't see them correctly with my new monitor, they look made in 2d and it doenn't fit with all the 3d effect of the game., at least, it's like this in my game.
  4. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    I need authentic Redgards in my mod Rihad - Hammerfell. No rush though :)
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      I'm not rushing by any means :D But my rl work suffers anyway.
      Thank you!