An example of interior shadows

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  1. Dennywood
    • member
    • 164 kudos
    Me... too sad... Can't handle this mod.
    Very nice by the way.
    1. malautomedonte
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks! No worries, I can barely handle it too. It can cripple my performance in some interiors.

      It's also true that it adds a lot of depth in many interiors, when shadows are visualized correctly.
    2. Dennywood
      • member
      • 164 kudos
      To reduce the shadow quality could help in your case, you seem to have a good system. Mine is still weak, I wait the next Bethesda opus to change it for a better.
    3. malautomedonte
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Yeah, I tried different settings, but all natural and many npcs can be an heavy burden even with lower settings. So, in the end I prefer having some better quality than giving up on basically everything. :D