A Nearly Forgotten Experiment Pt 6

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As most of you are already aware, I have a soft spot for settlements, towns, and villages mods. One
such mod that caught my attention back in the day was the town of Billsburg. Situated NW of Chorrol
and slightly N of the Battlehorn Castle DLC. It had some minor conflicts and a few bugs, but overall a
nicely designed mod.

What I really liked about this one (as with any mod that does so) was the imaginative use of vanilla bits
and pieces used to create newish looking elements. Such as addon balcony and wrap around deck. Me
being me though, I didn't care much for the conglomeration of different city architectures in one small
area. Billsburg uses bits from Anvil, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Skingrad, and standard lowerclass stuff.

So I began to retex, choosing Chorrol textures since the mod sits very near that city. Then later decided
to remodel some homes and build these nifty addons in to look as if they were always made that way. 
What you see here are the results.

Unfortunately I was never able to get permissions to publicly overhaul Billsburg. So all the effort sat on
my PC gathering dust after the initial building and testing phase was done. I thought to possibly release
the models as a resource package if there is sufficient interest.

Last but not least, #6 is a Lower Class Tavern sporting Chorrol colors and a wrap around deck. Once again,
in the Billsburg mod, this was pulled off using a variety of architecture bits and bobs. Which while being
highly creative, doesn't look very natural. I've taken a select few of those same bits and bobs, and molded
them into a fashionable addon. Do keep in mind that it was specifically designed for a landscape where
the Tavern sits partially hanging off a hillside. So it probably is best suited to that type of application.


  1. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    I am definitely in for this project. It will be set up in Hammerfell though.
    Hammerfell needs some TLC and settlements.
    I do not care for the architectural similarities cause my guess is nobody could afford that in those days.
    This will definitely sprouse up my project and others too.
    Fabulous work Mhahn!

    This one is really a beauty :)
  2. DrakeTheDragon
    • Moderator
    • 305 kudos
    Quite the interesting work, putting all those houses into a fitting texture scheme. But I had to disagree with the claim made in #2. The difference in architecture of the county cities is actually very well noticeable. For reference I was right in guessing their origins from the picture before reading the text in all but #5.

    It was quite the fun entertainment I must say, guessing origin county from architecture displayed, so thanks for that!
    ...Just it showed I probably haven't been to Chorrol for way too long.

    edit: Someone should perhaps make this a competition of some sort, no rewards or prices of course, just for fun in seeing how well you know your game. How many of the X displayed buildings could you connect to the county city they stand in?
    1. mhahn123
      • premium
      • 208 kudos
      Ok Drake you got me on that. I actually had to go back and see what the claim was lol. Folks who have been around this scene a long time, such as yourself, could identify architecture despite texture scheme. Glad to hear you enjoyed that little exercise. Now you mention it I wonder how many could identify them without reading the captions first.