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  1. Lookbot
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    beautiful :O
  2. Esmerios
    • premium
    • 186 kudos
    Beautiful, simply beautiful
  3. Guinefort1
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    I can't decide which I love more: the lighting or the flora. 
  4. Wiepman
    • member
    • 44 kudos
    These screenshots look very good @monkeyangie ! 

    Not only that, but I now also tried you mod.

    It's a keeper!

    Very performance friendly it seems.
    You sorta did a very good "greatest hits" of all previously existing popular grass mods so far.

    Coincidentally I did a mix and match of popular grass mods just the other day.
    So to me your mod arrived just in time!

    So happy you inserted "Groundcover for no grass textures",
    which used to be one of my all time favorites.

    That is to say,
    until "grasses of tamriel" came around,
    which not only included way more diverse groundcover,

    ...but (imho) did it better, by not making it patches of groundcover next to grass/ flowers,and also (like in for instance Skyrim) on the base of where grass appears in-game.

    I also tried to add your mod in my previous grass-mix.
    And it seems to behave like a charm.

    Two questions:

    1. Is your mod atlassed?

    I would think "yes", since you previously also displayed such skills
    on the Grass Overhaul Atlass, but just wanted to verify.

    2. When rebuilding my bashed patch,
    I noticed your included *.esp has the following comment included:

    "Merged Plugin:

      Grass Overhaul.esp  JungleHasMoreGroundcover.esp  grasses of tamriel.esp  BlackwoodJungle.esp"

    Currently I had (and currently still have) activated:

    - grasses of tamriel.esp
    - Grass Overhaul.esp
    - Your MonkeyGrass.esp
    --> Would I still need the GOT+GO *.esp's?
    (Since they are also merged in your *.esp plugin?)


    This is my previous mixed grass BAIN load-out
    (with yours now added).

    Works like a charm. But I just wanted to check if perhaps I should reconsider something?
    (Everything installed, because I want to make sure everything is visible in-game).

    But perhaps you would advice me on something redundant of obsolete?

    Wrye bash states each mod loaded before your mod still has remaining parts in use,
    but I would take your opinion above whatever wrye bash claims... ;-)

    Load order:
    Relevant grass mods in bold accentuation.

    ++ 045 - GTL 02 Improved Doors and Flora plus updates.7z (07E92DA7) (Installed)
    ++ 046 - QTP3R -Montegris selection.7z (565219A8) (Installed)
    ++ 047 - GTL 03 Improved Trees and Flora.7z (13A4054B) (Installed)
    ++ 048 - VR 1k wood.7z (0137EDE8) (Installed)
    ++ 049 - GTL 04 Improved Trees and Flora 2 plus updates.7z (046F708F) (Installed)
    ++ 050 - GTL 08b Tree Bark ITFBark2012-1.7z (CA174363) (Installed)
    ++ 051 - GTL 08a Tree Bark HD Reduced.7z (9E63681F) (Installed)
    ++ 054 - GTL Nice Ice - Icing on the Cake.7z (4A7F7411) (Installed)
    ++ 057 - GTL Grasses of tamriel (cobwebs fix) v1_1.7z (A5985695) (Installed)
    ++ 058 - GTL 05a Grass Overhaul v61 (lowercase).7z (F92F4EC1) (Installed)
    ++ 060 - GTL Oblivion Grass Overhaul - Atlas v1_1_1.7z (A6A71714) (Installed)
    ++ 061 - GTL Monkey Grass v1.7z (7F2A9A99) (Installed)
    ++ 063 - GTL Grasses of tamriel options 1 v1-15 (ORG).7z (D6E4574C) (Installed)
    ++ 064 - GTL Autumn cover 1.1.7z (4CB1104A) (Installed)

    Thank you!
    1. monkeyangie
      • premium
      • 505 kudos

      about the merged mods, Grass Overhaul.esp  JungleHasMoreGroundcover.esp  grasses of tamriel.esp  BlackwoodJungle.esp the versions i merged were already tweaked so if you want to see if you still need the originals, you can open both esp in tesedit and see if they overlap too much, my guess would be that you DON'T need the original, but better check for yourself to be sure :)
    2. Wiepman
      • member
      • 44 kudos

      "about the merged mods, Grass Overhaul.esp  JungleHasMoreGroundcover.esp  grasses of tamriel.esp  BlackwoodJungle.esp the versions i merged were already tweaked so if you want to see if you still need the originals, you can open both esp in tesedit and see if they overlap too much, my guess would be that you DON'T need the original, but better check for yourself to be sure :)"

      A-ha, tweaked as in:

      "Scratched-out everything you didn't include" in your mod's *.esp?

      Then I intuitively figured that one out correctly.
      Because I wanted all those mod's assets combined in-game.

      Please don't underestimate the effect of your grass mod,
      Can I make you a modest but honest prediction?

      You've just unleashed the best go-to grass mod for the default users.
      The greatest hits mod for most!

      One question remaining:

      Since you've also created "Grass Overhaul Atlassed".
      In my BAIN load-out I kept that enabled.

      Wouldn't that interfere with your mod?

      Also: is your mod also atlassed?

      And if so,
      note that previously, a little while back,
      I requested "Grasses of Tamriel"'s author @samtheson for an atlassed iteration.

      But his answer was he doesn't know how to do that.
      Could you perhaps contact him to give some directions?

      I'm pretty confident, like what you did for Grass Overhaul-users with your atlassed-improvement for fps,
      samtheson could benefit with atlass for his mod...
  5. wellden
    • premium
    • 188 kudos
    Wow nice monkeyangie!! Another must have from you my friend
  6. nerjaveika
    • premium
    • 133 kudos
    Thank you very much for sharing, your mods are always the best
  7. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos