Relaxing Khajiit

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About this image

I wanted to take WIP photos of a new town/city I've been working on, but it ended up mostly being screenshots of my mod testing character in the new locations, such as this screenshot taken in a bathhouse/spa. But some of them turned out alright, like this one which is just so fun for some reason, so I figured I'd post it anyway! I guess they are still technically WIP screenshots because you can see new buildings and such, there just happens to be a khajiit in the way, but it's a fun way to get screenshot practice :)


  1. Guinefort1
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    Super interested in that town mod you mentioned, since the rest of your work tells me you have a good eye for aesthetics. 
    1. callistofalling
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      wow, thank you very much for the nice words!! :) actually, I'm an artist (not a professional, just for fun) so I am very happy to read that you like the aesthetics haha! I try very much to make the mods I make aesthetically pleasing. Indeed, the new town mod is largely just me making locations that I thought would be visually interesting - it's in the Shivering Isles, in a root cave/dungeon on the Mania side of the realm, so I've been having a lot of fun with the flora and lighting and so on. I've been working on it for a few months now, so I'm glad to hear you're interested!! :)
  2. Federica85
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    This is very good! Her pose, facial expression, clothing, the setting full of nice details...
    But now I'm waaaay curious about your WIP project, since I'm an avid collector of town mods. How is it going?
    1. callistofalling
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      :) thank you so much for the nice comment!! it really means a lot, I was honestly a bit nervous before posting this, lmao! I was very surprised that her facial expression could be changed while still in the pose - her body pose is I believe from NaRae Pose 01 but the expression was using Actors in Charge. So I expected them to cancel the other animation out since it's 2 different mods - but fortunately they didn't, and now we get a smiling khajiit! :D

      the town going alright, thank you for asking!! It's actually located in the Shivering Isles and was originally going to be a small town, sort of like the other towns in the Isles? But I think it might be bigger than New Sheoth itself at this point, haha! Most of the town is built into a root cave/dungeon, because I wanted it to have a unique trait like how the other towns in SI do. I plan on one day giving it a big quest and smaller quests! However, I intend to release a version of it without all that first, cause the town itself is getting relatively close to completion meanwhile my quest/scripting skills are still at 0! :')
  3. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    This is awesome no matter what your wishes are :)
    Very inspiring.
    1. callistofalling
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      :) aw heck, thank you so much!! I'm still very new when it comes to taking screenshots, so I'm very happy to read this! :D