Boring Postcards 17 - Slaughterfishing on lake Rumare

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Another boring postcard.
I'm testing some more foliage...


  1. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 214 kudos
  2. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Been a while Mac! 
    Glad to see you're still around my friend! ^^
  3. Esmerios
    • premium
    • 193 kudos
    Really cool!
  4. xrayy
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    with 512 mb vram or even more a masterpiece !  
    looks like you found the right (OR?) water!
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      :P Yeah, I'm pushing another typewriter beyond its limits - and this one's even trickier than the one before.

      After trying everything else I actually settled down on OBGE Liquid Water again - because the only shaders I needed were water and godrays (and I wanted only these shaders, nothing else). All the other, once-lightweight replacements of OBGE (including even ORL) are now way more demanding than this trusted oldie that also seems substantially more customisable.
  5. Dennywood
    • member
    • 163 kudos
    What a fantastic sight, if it weren't for the carnivorous fish I would immediately go for a swim in this calm water.
    By the way, about trees, I come back from Leyawiin, There a trees there added by a russian mod that adds some trees named Deodar... in town, they look giant and come through other foliage trees... : NC Leyawiin, the mod. Maybe you can take a look.
    1. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 214 kudos
      Thanks Denny :)
      I've seen that Leyawiin mod, and it does look interesting but I'd never be able to run it on my calculator. You mentioned in one of the commentss that you had a 20 fps drop there - that'd mean my fps would most likely be below zero :P
      As for deodar trees I have got them in Arboretum, too - if they use the same path, you may want to overwrite NC-L with Arb. and see if it makes any changes you desire.