Golden Saint Armor Retexture

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I decided I wanted to learn how to retexture things, so here is one of my first attempts: a rose colored Golden Saint armor set :) I was always really inspired by mods like trollf's armamentarium and mixxa77's colorful clothing so for now, I'm mostly focused on making new color variations of SI armor and clothes in the same vein as those mods - I was always so disappointed there weren't anything similar to those mods available for SI content!


  1. mixxa77
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    Bronzen Saints
    1. callistofalling
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      • 55 kudos
      :0 now I'm tempted to have the armor sets all be named like that, it's a lot more fun to have "bronzen saint" than just "golden saint red" lol!
  2. Federica85
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    • 39 kudos
    That's a very good idea! I already use Lush and Gaudy Finery (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38809). It also recolors SI clothes (not armor), but more variety is always welcomed, so I'm now looking forward to your release  
    1. callistofalling
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      :0 I had no idea that mod existed - for some reason, it showed me the "adult content" filter even though it's for vanilla bodies, lol? thank you very much for the link! like you said, more variety in clothing options is always a bonus (especially since SI had so few to begin with haha) so I'll be downloading this one now too!
    2. Dispensation
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      I'd also suggest using Oblivion Upscaled Textures/Shivering Isles Upscaled Textures as a base to work with, if you want your retextures to be of higher resolution.

      And it'd be cool to see those Lush and Gaudy Finery clothing pieces get used in your mods somehow, like being added to the new NPCs.
    3. callistofalling
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      • 55 kudos
      ooh good point, I totally forgot to check if the files I was working with were the nice upscaled ones or not! fortunately it seems all of the SI ones I've done so far were from SIUT, so at least I don't have to do redo those with a better resolution - the same can't be said for some of the normal Oblivion items I've done so far :') glad you left this comment before I got too far into things, lol!

      edit cause I saw the 2nd half of your comment: I'm kind of tempted to add them in even as an optional file or something honestly, I didn't normally have the NPCs wearing all SI clothes since options were so limited, I figured it would be boring seeing only the same 2 shirts over and over again? but now that I know there's options out there, it makes it a lot more feasible to have NPCs wearing actual SI clothes!