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  1. DragonSlayer667
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Yeah, it's true, oblivion's crappy old enb has this particular advantage of not breaking as easily (even though it's kinda broken from the box).
    Still, i'd keep it's internal AA and AF off and just use the nvidia provided ones.

    I don't think the ambient occlusion provided with nvidia works but it might be worth a shot, if you really wanna try forcing it on, get nvidia profile inspector (a trusted third party nvidia profile editor) and, searching for elder scrolls, modify oblivion's 2 flags that allows and activates ambient occlusion usage, those flags are under Common, they're kinda hard to miss
    Don't forget to save your settings with the small save button on the top right.
    Of course, if you do that, slap away AO coming from OR or ENB unless you want to cause a thermonuclear boom that wipes out your city.
  2. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    Nvidia gives me the french driver 473.81...
    Is it correct? my card is 1650 with no ti and no oc
    Ok, I was wrong, it's 516.94
    Thank you for the info, I will try it.
    1. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      I dont think language and such matters. This was just observations and i used legacy driver 2019? before system migration :P
      (r.i.p old motherboard)

      But game does work with these nvidia settings also you can force english interface
    2. Dennywood
      • member
      • 162 kudos
      I use two computers, one with W7 and the new PC,  very recent, W10. So, not the same GC. I plan to install W11 soon but I don't know yet I still hesitate. And thank you for the info for english version. My two cards are 960 and 1650.