About this image
This picture was taken while developing Random Encounters - Adventurers. I tried to see if I could get a NPC Thief to enter a house at night and rob it, independently. Unfortunately it didn't quite work in a satisfying manner, so it had to be scrapped at the time. It also wouldn't make much sense for a thief to continue their work, while someone (the player) observes.
Perhaps it could be possible to have a Thief companion though. Someone who follows the player to their target, and helps going through the house and it's valuables.
There's an idea for a mod too, to have people actually spying on Glarthir for some sinister reason
This is a perfect example why it's good to talk openly about development. It's easy to get tunnel vision while working on something, and others from the community can help with that. Last time it was DEEJMASTER333, who pointed out that I could have NPCs sell stuff.
The way I imagine it, it could be a random chance of a thief being in the process of sneaking around the house, any time a player enters their home. They could be aggressive enough to fight when caught, or have them flee.
I don't know if such a mod would be very popular, but it's interesting in theory at least, and a unique idea.