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This is not a private mod, some photoshop trick or anything fancy like that. Those are the wings from HGEC-D alllll61s-Tiny Demon suit. There's a way to get the wings to loose the red and black and AS FAR AS I KNOW, match the skin tone of your character. I'v only tried this on my white skinned elf and albino Argonian though, so im not sure if it would match a dark elf or some other race, or go white. It's still a glitch I enjoy alot though, because it makes wings on Sersay look much more natural and like they really are part of her.

Also: Blue. I like it. Alot.

1 comment

  1. SilverDNA
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    :-) Thank you I didn't know that. Right you are. It's interesting to look at. Maybe it's worth a project, cause I'm still missing some good old AD& Forgotten Realms Dracolic Wings. (Would be great with "HGEC - BBB - Lady Death Variations.") And I'm sill not good enough with editing and producing meshes.