About this image
Awww yes. Right after hair and armor files, companions are my favorite thing about Oblivion. Some of these I have had in my game for a long time. I gave every single one a heavy makeover, but they are still the same characters which I like a lot ^^ All of them can be found here on the nexus.
From left to right:
Ramy (enfant)
The classic mage. Many reviewers of this mod said that they only use her because she looks cute and don't let her tag along in fights because she is too weak. All I can say is: use her as a mage, give her good equipment and she packs a punch! I love the fact that she summons an Ice Golem to fight poor little sewer rats.
The white knight. Awww. This one is really old. The mod is from a German site from years back, but it's here on the nexus too. She is a tiny, slightly buggy romance companion who refuses to ride horses and isn't really able to interact with other companions. But since she is on the same level as your player character, she is the strongest one in the bunch.
is... not a companion. That's my current player character. My bad. And on we go.
The priest. Geez I am almost sure I spelled her name wrong. Anyways xD Another romance companion who loves to interrupt whatever you are doing to ask you about the thinks you like about girls. Doesn't matter if the world is ending or if you are fighting a horde of Daedra - she needs to KNOW these kinds of things. They are important. Aww xD If she wasn't buggy and didn't make my game crash whenever I fasttravel with her on horseback, I'd love her even more.
The archer. Another really old companion mod. She is not a romance companion, but a close friend of your player character. Using her is trouble-free, unless her horse runs off. Whenenver that happens, she runs ater it and leaves you hanging. Oh, and she STEALS. Preferably shiny things like silver plates. Not cool. But cute XD
Random chocolate elf
The...no idea. Battle mage? Anyways. Since she is a very basic CM companion, I forgot her name. I don't really like those simple CM things, simply because the companions have like NO character and you don't really care what happens to them. This girl here loves to get stuck in doorways and wanders off when you tell her to stand guard. NICE.
As you might have noticed, I didn't list any story - based companions. Believe me, I played mods like RTT or TOTF and they are fantastic, but when it comes to companions I want to give them equipment and start killing things. Yeah. xD
Surprisingly awesome little list. They all look great too.
Did you find the hair somewhere or did you make it yourself?
Yesss I love the Momomo outfit
Let me PM you about that ^^
Cute girls, those.
I spy momomo, I love that outfit, it's adorable.
very nice girls
Very stylish group
Wow A load of Cuties!!!!
Actually no it's not XD I was planning to do the exact same thing, since you can use the Amy set together with greaves, but obviously someone bet me to it ^^ I found it on ShadowHideYou, it replaces one recolor of the Leere Armor and the Amy set.
Yous companions are great, I really like them all, but most I like how you seem kinda attached to them, I can really relate
btw, is the dress Alba is wearing one of your re-textures ? It's beautiful !