ChocoLop-Eared Elf and Armour

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I've been scouring the Oblivion Mod Detectives' thread, and it's led me to many amazing discoveries. This pic shows some of them.

The race is the usual Chocolate Elf with the Lop-Ears that are made specifically for them attached through the CS. The armour is from Waalx Animsls & Creatures/WAC Beta v0.1, iron armour.

Ever since Lodoss came out so many years ago, I haven't been able to resist those ears, and the Waalx armor and swords in his mod are just absolutely fantastic. And the creatures...! I urge everyone to download them and see for yourself!


  1. WizardOfAtlantis
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    Thanks, all. I'm glad you liked the shot.
  2. BlueDanube
    • supporter
    • 274 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    awesome capture,love her heroine type looks.
  3. Amidana
    • member
    • 70 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    She is worth to be taken in the best fantasy films <3
  4. WizardOfAtlantis
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    The base race is the Chocolate Elf.

    I found the ears on a Japanese modding site thanks to the Oblivion Mod Detectors thread. What you need to do is put "choco lop ear elf" into Google and it'll be the first site that comes up. There you find the Lop-Ear Elf race, the mini version, the Lop-Ear download itself, and then the Choco Lop Ear download which has the right UV for the Chocolate Elf race. You have to manually put them onto the race in the CS.

    The armor is from Waalx Animals & Creatures. It's an overhaul you can find on his site. Google will take you right there.

    The pic itself was taken using the LF Screenshooters Abyss mod, which gives you that black space with lights by entering it/teleporting there through the console, and I would assume that the OBGE features I have, like volumetric SSAO might come into play as well.
  5. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Very well drawn character indeed...comes to life in this scene..
  6. Nightskia
    • supporter
    • 87 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Indeed great pic! Can you please list the mods used?